Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I can't decide which is more annoying:

People who are really really fat and don't do anything about it, or people who are only like, 5 or 10 pounds overweight but obsess about it all the time. Like me.

People who cuss all the time, or people who never ever cuss and say things like "fudge" and "sugar" instead of "fuck" and "shit", but who also, once in a great while, throw out a REAL "fuck" and it actually makes me step back a bit in surprise.

What is also annoying is that Dr. A and Mr. P have started blogs now, both naming me as someone who got them into doing it, seemingly against their will. Which is not true. I wanted to be the One With The Blog. But now they have blogs too. Dr. A is even doing that annoying, "Did you read my blog?" thing that I used to do when I first started a blog. What's more annoying, that he does it, or that I realize how annoying it was when I did it?


Blogger Ayric Andy said...

oh and why haven't you commented on MY blog... which you can find at


This IS a blog all about me

5:50 PM  

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